Barcelona, my dear:

Barcelona stole my heart the first time I visit it and she kept it since. This city is my favourite place on earth not only because of how it is, but because what it makes me feel when I’m walking  through its streets and living in it. I don’t know exactly what it is, but is magical. This post hasn’t any touristic intention at all. I just want you to know what I like from Barcelona and what I miss the most since I moved to Glasgow, a year ago.. 1. The weather!!!! (In winter the temperature normally ranges from 7 … Continúa leyendo Barcelona, my dear:

Lo que me gusta de Glasgow:

“Giovanna, hija, que tu blog es un poco demasiado intelectual, y si lo escribes en inglés me entero poco” Bueno, pues esta vez he decidido hacer una entrada como esas tan populares por internet: en forma de lista con fotitos y gifs animados. Además en castellano, porque así me apetecía esta vez. Y aprovechando que hace 9 meses dejé Barcelona para mudarme a Glasgow, he hecho una lista de las cosas que más me gustan y disfruto de esta ciudad, la cual, he de decir, me llamaba poco la atención. Aquí os la presento: 1. No hay turistas! (En Glasgow hay muy pocos y cualquier … Continúa leyendo Lo que me gusta de Glasgow:

Elougy to Outsider Art, II:

English version of «Elogio al Arte Outsider II»: In the previous post I started praising the Outsider Art by explaining the debt that official Art History owes to those creative manifestations of individuals socially segregated. But I think that debt is mutual. It is true that such creations were vindicated as artistic models by the first Avantgarde movement in the 20th century. That artistic reform spirit was nurtured, voluntarily, by marginal art and at the same time, they opened the door (without realizing it) through the one it made its ​​way. It is, therefore, about two mutual and necessary processes. … Continúa leyendo Elougy to Outsider Art, II:

Elougy to Outsider Art, I:

English version of «Elogio al Arte Outsider I» ( An anonymous stated that he fucked off in the intellectual bullshit of the Barcelona’s Museum of Contemporary Art, ​​making a graffiti in its 2012-2013 wall program. I took a picture of it. Days after the graffiti was gone, it was been erased, but then the wall began to be filled with tags. When the season ended the program was taken off, and since then, there haven’t returned to hang anything on it. Now, that picture I took tops my blog and its sentence reveals me as a maximum. Fuck off your … Continúa leyendo Elougy to Outsider Art, I:

Because Pessoa told me «Dante is a liar»:

A few days ago I read, by chance, something that really amazed me. I looked up where these words came from, and I found out that  they were from Livro do desassossego (the Book of Disquiet) from Fernando Pessoa.  Then I looked him up and came upon such an extraordinary author. It was like love at first sight. Although I don’t know much about him, I am in love with him: he got to me! I haven’t read any of his works yet, but I have seen this:, an interactional web site about the Book of Disquiet with very … Continúa leyendo Because Pessoa told me «Dante is a liar»:

Elogio al Arte Outsider, II:

En la entrada anterior comencé elogiando el Arte Outsider por la deuda que la Historia del Arte oficial le debe a las manifestaciones creativas de los individuos socialmente segregados. Sin embargo esa deuda es mutua. Es cierto que este tipo de creaciones fueron vindicados como modelos artísticos por parte de la primera Vanguardia del siglo XX. Aquel espíritu de reforma artística se nutrió voluntariamente  del arte marginal y al mismo tiempo (y sin darse cuenta) le abrió la puerta por la que hacerse camino. Se trata, pues, de dos procesos  recíprocamente necesarios. Pero es más verdadero que el Arte Outsider … Continúa leyendo Elogio al Arte Outsider, II: