IL POSTINO (THE POSTMAN): A lesson about life, art and aesthetic experiences

Don’t ask me why I like something. Most of the time, I don’t have a reason or any word to describe why something attracts me. Although, I believe we like something when we see ourselves in it, whether they are our feelings, thoughts and beliefs, our personality or even our fears and obsessions. What we see becomes a mirror, showing us our own reflection. We see what we are. And because we see, we can live aesthetic experiences. In the movie Il Postino (The Postman) which is a story about the journey of self-discovery and the romance of Mario, a … Continúa leyendo IL POSTINO (THE POSTMAN): A lesson about life, art and aesthetic experiences

Because Pessoa told me «Dante is a liar»:

A few days ago I read, by chance, something that really amazed me. I looked up where these words came from, and I found out that  they were from Livro do desassossego (the Book of Disquiet) from Fernando Pessoa.  Then I looked him up and came upon such an extraordinary author. It was like love at first sight. Although I don’t know much about him, I am in love with him: he got to me! I haven’t read any of his works yet, but I have seen this:, an interactional web site about the Book of Disquiet with very … Continúa leyendo Because Pessoa told me «Dante is a liar»:

La canción favorita de mi madre:

Recuerdo una vez que, sin saber lo que estaba diciendo, le dije a alguien a quien empezaba a conocer que yo era mi abuela. Ajena a que esa persona hubiera captado lo que yo sin querer parecía haber intuido, me dijo: “que interesante, una mujer que es abuela y nieta a la vez, una buena idea para crear un personaje de ficción”. Cierto. Puede ser muy interesante, al fin y al cabo creo, sinceramente, que es verdad. “Eres sangre de mi sangre”, nos dicen nuestros padres y familiares. Por tanto, decir que “yo soy mi abuela” no puede parecer tan … Continúa leyendo La canción favorita de mi madre:

La obsesión de H. Humbert como obra outsider:

 Sobre Lolita de Vladimir Nabokov: “Surely the most allusive and linguistically playful novel in English since Ulysses and Finnegans Wake”.- Alfred Appel. “Uno de los mejores libros del año”.- Graham Greene en el Sunday Times, 1955. “The filthiest book I had ever read and sheer unrestrained pornography”.- John Gordon en el Sunday Express,1956. “My best work so far”.- Nabokov, 1956. Desde su publicación en 1955 Lolita ha generado muchas y muy diversas reacciones. Es un libro que no pasa desapercibido dentro de la historia de la literatura. Sin duda, una pieza artística clave del siglo XX, cuya controversia se basa en … Continúa leyendo La obsesión de H. Humbert como obra outsider: